Monday, April 13, 2009

Two Child's Day Poems

I'm starting to tokenize more texts into Gnoetry's library. I've started with Woods Hutchinson's The Child's Day, which I have been using as a source file to compose other poems in conjunction with the Markov chaining program I also use (Mchain). It's wonderful how different the poems are when I use a different program/process.

Here's what I worked out tonight:


Tue Apr 14 00:22:06 2009


Just as it is. There is probably something in
it or behind it, sealed as it can hurt you. So it is
almost as much as they grow older and worried. This
is so precious. If, the fresh air from the barn, the
fresh food value, information,

as fast as possible. Of course it is: do it. Work
and play and work too, cooking does, and of course you
can roll over and over and over
it, it tastes very different. It is as
warm as your nails are a part of the

house fly, wholesome, pure food, plenty of good food, such as
potatoes, and all sorts of cereal.
If need be called our nerves so that it floats and rises like
onions. The doctors call it. So you don't
have consumption, and never get tired of cereal.

Woods Hutchinson, The Child's Day


Tue Apr 14 00:47:03 2009


They did not always do what they wanted. In one
sense, in the house. They were killed. Just think how many beats would
there be in serious trouble at once. They can. Some
people are ignorant and dirty and others
make you vomit, and made them, in

more ways than you can, and golden because it was, for
the power in your stomach. They wore short sleeves and
short trousers. Each little wave in turn beats
against a little draft, they need it this time
to drink it better. Fill up with it.

At what hour do it. Where they are killed by themselves.
These little hairs are on it. You see it.
This is a picture of them. Some of you have been in the house.
But now we drink, for we are beginning
to find out how the body is liquid, like a drunkard.

Woods Hutchinson, The Child's Day


  1. Is the top one Gnoetry and the bottom m-chain? "This is to drink..." has more whole-cloth liftings from the text, like "They wore short sleeves and short trousers" is straight out of the book. The top one has no such strings and feels it houses the crazy juxtapositions Gnoetry espouses: "Your nails are a part of the//house fly"!! Awesome.

  2. I'm sorry for how unclear my post was. Reading it over, I see the confusion.

    They're both Gnoems, actually. I'm working on a post that compares an example of mchain to Gnoetry with this particular source, which should be posted soon. It is interesting how different these two Gnoetry examples are, and odd that there are more long phrases in common with the source. It is not a very long book, though, so that statistically should be more likely to happen. (Right?)

  3. In my experience, the shorter the text, the more repetition one gets (use a Poe short story for example). Perhaps the sentences are so similar in the Hutchinson text that the likelihood of strings that mimic full clauses and sentences is greater, tho I haven't seen that with other shorter texts...
